Recycling Education Committee

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The Rye Recycling Education Committee (5 member committee) currently has an opening for two new members. The Rye Recycling Education Committee meets the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 PM at the library. All residents are welcome to come and share their ideas and/or questions. Improving recycling in Rye conserves energy and resources, benefits our environment and saves money!

The RREC’s charge is:

“To educate Town residents on recycling and maximizing the effectiveness of the Town's source separated recycling drop-off facility at the Transfer Station.”

The Board of Selectmen wishes to continue with the current source separated recycling program that has been so successful for the town. The Board realizes that in order to continue to be successful, the town needs to remind and educate its residents about recycling best practices and the benefits of using the recycling center. Therefore, the Board of Selectmen hereby establishes the Recycling Education Committee as a sub-committee of the Rye Energy Committee. The purpose of the Recycling Education Committee is to educate the residents of Rye on increasing the use of and maximizing the effectiveness of the town’s source separated recycling program by researching ways to maximize and increase the use of the program, by providing written and electronic education materials, and other resources such as the use of the internet, seminars or public talks. The Board of Selectmen is not desirous of expanding the program into such areas as Pay as You Throw or Single Stream at this time.

This charge shall expire on March 31, 2026, unless the Selectmen vote to continue the committee.

Committee Members

Name Title
Pamela Helfrich Member (2026)
Alex Herlihy Member (2026)
Terri McGee Member (2026)